GTA 5 Cheats For All Xbox & Xbox 360.

Shyoz Gaming
2 min readMar 17, 2021


1. Drunk mode cheat.

  1. Now just like the name suggests this cheat makes your character drunk. Now to activate this cheat you are going to want to press Y right. Right left right xB left.

    Now you’re gonna want to do it pretty quickly so that it registers and you’re gonna know you did it correctly.

    Because it’s going to tell you in the corner right above the mini-map that it was activated.

    Now drunk mode cheat makes your character drunk and he stumbles around a bit and if he runs it’s more of a drunken hobble. While you’re out and about on your feet there’s really not much changes.

    Shootings not much harder the real difficulty comes in when you try to drive. So at first it’s not gonna seem much different. But when you’re driving you’re gonna notice your character will randomly swerve like that time.

    I wasn’t even controlling he just decided to take a turn it’s. So it’s kind of like driving a car with horrible alignment issues. So this cheat can really add a layer of difficulty to the game.
  2. If you’re looking to make it harder we can see you keep swerving in the cars. You really have to hold on to the joystick to make sure it goes where it wants.

1. Drunk mode cheat.

  1. Now just like the name suggests this cheat makes your character drunk. Now to activate this cheat you are going to want to press Y right. Right left right xB left.

    Now you’re gonna want to do it pretty quickly so that it registers and you’re gonna know you did it correctly.

    Because it’s going to tell you in the corner right above the mini-map that it was activated.

    Now drunk mode cheat makes your character drunk and he stumbles around a bit and if he runs it’s more of a drunken hobble. While you’re out and about on your feet there’s really not much changes.

    Shootings not much harder the real difficulty comes in when you try to drive. So at first it’s not gonna seem much different. But when you’re driving you’re gonna notice your character will randomly swerve like that time.

    I wasn’t even controlling he just decided to take a turn it’s. So it’s kind of like driving a car with horrible alignment issues. So this cheat can really add a layer of difficulty to the game.
  2. If you’re looking to make it harder we can see you keep swerving in the cars. You really have to hold on to the joystick to make sure it goes where it wants.

Read More About Other Cheats Here



Shyoz Gaming
Shyoz Gaming

Written by Shyoz Gaming

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